2024 CESH Congress programme now published!

Please find below the preliminary programme for the 2024 CESH Congress in Paris, 4-6 June 2024.

Our 2024 keynotes are:

Dominique Connan (University of Paris Nanterre), ‘An « imagined global bourgeoisie »: golf and the thwarted respectability of Kenyan elites, from independence to the presidency of Mwai Kibaki’

Chris Young (University of Cambridge), ‘Rethinking Jesse Owens: Berlin 1936 and the German Media Landscape’

Florence Carpentier (University of Rouen Normandy), ‘Alice Milliat and the Women’s World Games’ [title to be confirmed]

We are very much looking forward to meeting you and discussing international sports history. Have a save journey and see you in Paris.

27th CESH Congress, Paris-Nanterre 4-6 June 2024

The 27th CESH International Congress at the University of Paris Nanterre will be held on 4-6 June 2024 on the topic: « Making World(s). Sport Globalization & Olympism ». This congress is organised by the research centres ISP (Institute of Social Sciences of Politics, UMR 7220) and IDHE.S (Institutions and Historical Dynamics of Economy and Society, UMR 8533).

The congress webpage is available in English and in French. https://cesh2024upn.sciencescall.org/

Congress registration fees are available on the website, under « Registration fees » tab. Payment of conference fees is possible, once the scientific committee has reviewed your abstract proposals.

Please do not forget to pay your 2024 CESH membership fee separately.


For further informations on the congress, please contact: cesh2024upn@sciencesconf.org and/or p.charitas@parisnanterre.fr

2024 CESH Congress organiser: Dr Pascal Charitas

University lecturer, Sports historian, member of ISP (UMR 7220)

UFR STAPS, University of Paris Nanterre, Alice Milliat Building/Max Weber Building

200 Avenue de la République, 92000 Nanterre (France)

Congress online « Students and Sports in the World from the 19th Century to the Present Day », Wednesday, 1st June 2022

The Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL) invites you to the international study days devoted to university sport history. The event is taking place on 1 June 2022. It is organised with the sponsorship of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and in partnership with the GERME (Study and Research Group on Student Movements) and the Cité des mémoires étudiantes (Paris).

To attend online, please subscribe at sportunivcolloque@gmail.com. The link will be sent on 31 May.

Webinar « Building bridges within and outside the history of sport », Program Spring 2022, University of Lausanne

The Centre for Olympic Studies & the Globalisation of Sport of the University of Lausanne and its director Prof. Patrick Clastres are pleased to invite you to the webinar Building bridges within and outside the history of sport ((see attached pdf). Each seminar will take place in English, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm Zurich hour, and will include a presentation of the thesis (45mn), a talk by a discussant (15mn) and a question and answer session (45mn).

The CEOGS/UNIL seminar aims to bring together PhDs who have recently defended their thesis in the history of sport across the continental distances that separate them. It also aims to allow them to exchange with more experienced researchers, who will be their discussants, and with an international audience of listeners, and thus to make their work better known on a global scale in a convivial atmosphere. This webinar will provide a space for dialogue between national historiographies that often misunderstand each other and that are correlated to different disciplinary fields (history, international relations, political sciences, sport and body movement sciences, colonial and post-colonial studies, gender studies, subaltern studies, cultural studies, visual studies, area studies…).

Finally, the sessions will be built around the virtuous circle that must link empirical approaches, concepts and theories of history. Particular attention will be paid to the internal and external criticism of sources, to the articulation between the narrative that these sources allow and the historical contexts that encompass it, and to the singularity of the history of sport in relation to other forms and objects of historical writing. 

Our collective ambition will be to contribute to bringing the history of sport out of its isolation and give it its rightful place in the historiography of contemporary societies: a place that is neither marginal nor central.

To follow the webinar, please register with Raphaël Benbouhou: raphael.benbouhou@unil.ch. A Zoom link with the access code will be provided to follow the conference.

2022 CESH Early Career and Post-Graduate Award

All post-graduate and early career researchers intending to present a paper at the 25th CESH Congess: Competition and collaboration in sports history from Antiquity to Modern times, Bucharest 21-23 September 2022, have the opportunity to enter for the prestigious CESH Early Career and Post-Graduate Award. This has a range of benefits, including a cash prize.

Colleagues will know that winning this award has many benefits to an early career scholar:

  • It looks extremely good as part of a curriculum vitae, and can improve future jobs prospects.
  • It confers prestige on the scholar and his/her institution.
  • The financial gain of a money prize (currently of 250 Euros) is always useful.

Deadline: 29 August 2022
