Academic Journal ESSH

European Studies in Sports History (ESSH)

Scientific journal of CESH

European Studies in Sports History is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It is published by the European Committee for Sports History (CESH) and welcomes articles on the history of sport and physical activity in all European languages.

From 2000 to 2005 the journal was published in Germany by NISH with the title Annual of CESH. Some of the issues are available on this website.

In 2008 and 2009, European Studies in Sports History was published in Italy by Lancillotto & Nausica. Since 2010 the journal has been published in France with Rouen and Le Havre University Press (PURH).

ESSH is recognised by the French assessment body AERES and by the Italian ANVUR.

ESSH is now ranked Q1 in SCImago portal!


ESSH editorial team (2025-2028):


Editorial board:

Editor-in-chief: Dr. Daniele Serapiglia, Universidade Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Honorary Editor: Prof. Arnd Krüger – University of Göttingen (Germany)


Dr. Lorenzo Venuti, Università di Bologna (Italy)

Dr. Lucie Hémeury, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Dr. Rahul Kumar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

Dr. Lidia Lesnykh, Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)


Prof. Fiona Skillen, Glasgow Caledonian University (UK)

Prof. Daphné Bolz, Université de Rouen Normandie (France)

Dr. Amanda Shuman, University of Freiburg (Germany)

Dr.  Pompiliu Nicolae Constantin, National University of Physical Education and Sports – Bucarest (Romania)

Dr. Pascal Charitas, Université Paris Nanterre (France)


Scientific Committee

Dr. Juan Antonio Simón Sanjurjo, Politechnic University, Madrid (Spain) – Coordinator

Dr. Eleonora Belloni – University of Siena (Italy)

Prof. Mike Huggins – University of Cumbria (UK)

Dr. Florence Carpentier, University of Rouen Normandy (France)

Prof. Patrick Clastres, Lausanne University (Switzerland)

Dr. Enrico Landoni, Università degli Studi eCampus, Milan (Italy)

Dr. Alex Viuda Serrano, Alcala University, Madrid (Spain)

Dr. Angela Teja, Rome (Italy)

Prof. Ying WuShanley, Penn State University (USA)

Prof. John McClelland, University of Toronto (Canada)

Dr. Erminio Fonzo, Università di Salerno (Italy)

Prof. Lívia Gonçalves Magalhães, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)

Prof. Swantje Scharenberg, Karlsruhe Technical University (Germany)

Prof. Francesca Tacchi, Università di Firenze (Italy)

Prof. Xavier Pujadas, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona (Spain)

Prof. Evangelos Albanidis, University of Thrace (Greece)

Dr. Nicola Sbetti, Università di Bologna (Italy)

Dr. Kamil Potrzuski, The Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw (Poland)

Prof. Annette Hofmann, Pedagogical University, Ludwigsburg (Germany)


Manuscripts, book reviews and enquiries

should be sent to: Dr. Daniele Serapiglia

 Documents to be sent IN ENGLISH with the article

  • Abstract of the article: 100-150 words (Please don’t forget to translate the title!)
  • 3-5 keywords
  • Biography of the author: 20-50 words

ESSH instructions

At the end of your article, please list your references using the below categories:
– Bibliography
– Printed Sources
– Archives

ESSH – ENGLISH 2016.07.09





ESSH – Previous issues and flyers:

The issues of the Annual of CESH are available for free on this webpage.

European Studies in Sports History, vol. 1 (2008), vol. 2.1 (2009) and vol. 2.2 (2009). To acquire these volumes, please contact Daphné Bolz.

Volume 3, 2010: Flyer ESSH 3

Volume 4, 2011: Flyer ESSH 4

Volume 5, 2012: Flyer ESSH 5

Volume 6, 2013: Flyer ESSH 6

Volume 7, 2014 (Special issue: Organising the Olympic Games in the 20th Century): Flyer ESSH 7

Volume 8, 2015: Flyer ESSH 8

Volume 9, 2016: Flyer ESSH. 9

Volume 10, 2017 (Special issue: Workers’ sport organizations.
Territories and Metamorphoses in the 20th and 21st centuries): Flyer ESSH 10

Volume 11, 2018 (Special issue: Sport and Graphic Novels in Europe): FlyerESSH.Vol11.2018

Volume 12, 2019: published

Volume 13, 2020: Flyer ESSH 13

Volume 14, 2021 (Special issue: Youth and Physical Education) : Flyer ESSH 14

Volume 15, 2022: Flyer ESSH 15

Volume 16, 2023: in print

Volume 17, 2024: in preparation

Volume 18, 2025: in preparation